Ok so it's not exactly the same problem as before, but Haley is having problems again. This time she is constipated. Or so they say. I mean I believe it and everything... It's just strange cause until we started messing with her, she was still actually pooping. If you don't want to read about poop... stop reading here.
Monday she pooped while at daycare. But Michele (our daycare provider) told me it took her a good hour to actually get it out. She said when she finally got it out and Michele changed Haley's diaper, it smelled horrific, and was black as tar. Later I found out Haley had eaten lots of blueberries on Sunday.
Speaking of the weekend, this is when it all began (or shall I say we started noticing something was definitely wrong... we kinda already knew she might be constipated). Haley went to the cabin with my parents for the weekend so I could ride along with Brandon on a Wilton, ND run for work. We haven't seen a lot of each other lately, so it was nice to get to spend some time together, just the two of us. Although it would have been nice if it could have been the three of us, that just doesn't work in a semi-truck. Anywho... Saturday my mom went to give Haley a bath and she immediately told Gramma she had to poop. Gramma then took her out of the tub and held her on the toilet to see if she would go. Haley wasn't having it. Gramma went to try and put her back in the tub when she put her legs out so Gramma couldn't get her into the tub... kind of like a cat might do if you were trying to put them in a bath. Smart little bugger. So Gramma put a diaper on Haley and that was the end of it. She planned on giving her a bath the next morning, but they didn't get to it.
After Haley arrived home on Sunday evening, I fed her and tried the bath. Same thing. I put her in the bath and right away Haley says "Potty, potty, potty" and points at the big-girl potty chair. She didn't even sit down in the bath, so her feet were the only thing wet. I took her out and sat her on the potty. Nothing. She sat there a few minutes then got up and walked to the tub and said "bath" so I tried putting her back in. Like the night before, she stuck her legs out and made it difficult to get her into the tub. Finally I got her in and she just stood there. And of course cried. She wouldn't sit down and kept saying "potty" while pointing at it. I couldn't tell if something was wrong, or she was just simply being a two year old brat. I told her if she didn't sit down, I would just bath her while she stood there. And that, I did. I went to try and wash her but and she immediately clenched her legs together as hard as she could. I took her out of the tub, dried her off and put her on the changing pad. I tried to put a diaper on her, same thing. She clenched her legs together like I was doing something to hurt her. She does the same thing when the doctors try to cath her. And she cries. It is all great fun.
I called the Nurse Practitioner we saw at the Urologist office to talk to her and of course Monday she had the day off. I talked to a nurse and wasn't happy with what she told me so I called back on Tuesday talk to Andrea (the NP). She told me she was certain Haley was constipated. Since I had already tried prune juice (which the first time she loved, and Monday she wouldn't touch it) and that didn't work, I needed to try some glycerin suppositories. :( NO FUN! I waited for Brandon to come home last night to give her another stand up bath (she wouldn't sit in the water again), then we did the suppository. She didn't like it, and neither did we. 30 minutes later it was time for bed. She wasn't having that either. She cried for an hour before finally falling asleep. That was the worst. I wanted so badly to go in and rock her to sleep like I did when she was younger. But Brandon assured me she would fall asleep on her own. The night before we let her sleep in bed with us, which almost NEVER happens. She had cried and cried and cried some more, and we gave in.
Anyway... Hoping for some "poops" for Haley today! Also praying for a friend, Sally, who was induced for labor yesterday afternoon. Have not heard any news as of yet.
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