Friday, July 30, 2010


So my poor little girl has ANOTHER UTI! I noticed earlier this week that she had woken up every day with a VERY full (night time) diaper. So bad that when you walked in the room you could smell it. Wednesday morning she leaked through her diaper... she was wet from the waist down... socks and all. I called her pediatrician's office that morning when I got to work and they said that it wasn't a symptom of a UTI, so unless she had a fever or started acting sick, they wouldn't do a test (cath her for a sample). I said ok and hung up.

I picked Haley up from daycare, and Michele (day care) said that she seemed normal all day. We got home and I had to strip her bed get all of her bedding down to the washing machine. This was including her beloved "Bubby". When she saw me take him she had a fit and started sobbing. I took it all downstairs and threw it in the wash. When I got back upstairs she was still crying so I picked her up and calmed her down. She then said "Eat. Eaaat." I put her down and started to get things out to make dinner. She started patting her booster and saying "Eat. Eat" so picked her up and tried to put her in her booster chair, and again she started freaking out. She ended up not eating much of anything... just a strawberry.

We sat down on the couch after cleaning up the kitchen and I noticed she was warm. Her temp was 103. I called Brandon (who was working) who told me to just take her in to the ER. So, we packed up and off we went.

We got there and the triage nurse took her temp. from her arm pit and it was 99°. I said "that's not right..." So she took it again, and it was the same. I told her again it wasn't right and she said "well if they want to they will do an anal temp. when you get to a room." Whatever.

We got called back and a nurse practitioner came in and I explained what was going on and what had happened earlier this month. She said we could do a bunch of tests related to a fever but if you are certain that she's got a UTI, we will just go ahead and cath her to get a urine sample and see what it says. So that's what they did. AFTER they tortured her with an anal temp. She struggled and screamed and cried. Then they came back to do the cath and oh boy did she fight!! It was heart breaking! She was screaming so hard her face was purple, and she could barely breathe. After the nurse finally got the cath in (her second attempt... the first one came out cause Haley was fighting so hard), Haley cried for about 5 minutes... I held her and rocked her and she just wouldn't stop crying. It hurt her when I was holding her on my side (like I usually carry her).
Anyway, they gave us a prescription and sent us on our way.

We left the ER and went on to Walgreens and got the antibiotics. Went home and went to bed. Both of us were wiped!

Friday I heard from an ER nurse who said "If her fever hasn't gone down or if she is still acting sick Saturday afternoon/evening, to bring her in." So we waited. Saturday during the day, she didn't show much of a fever. We went down to Burnsville to hang out with "Auntie CC" and ended up having an impromptu sleepover! Her temp started going up at around 8:30 that night but I decided to just put her to bed and if it was still up in the morning, I'd bring her in then. It was normal, so I didn't end up having to.

(Wow, Longest post ever. I've been typing bits and pieces of this post for the last week and a half! )

On Wednesday of this week (8/4) we took Haley in to see a Pediatric Urologist nurse practitioner. She was really nice. She told us we did do the right thing by bringing her in to see her, because whats going on is not normal. We made an appointment for 8/25 for Haley to have a test (VCUG) to check to see if she has kidney reflux. They are going to give her a sedative (laughing gas), but this test is not going to be pleasant. For her, especially, but for me too. It is heartbreaking to watch her go through such a painful process. It will be similar to when they've cathed her in the past for a urine sample. But this time they will be inserting a dye into her bladder to see if the dye travels back up into her kidney's (as urine would if she has kidney reflux). Immediately after the test we have an appointment with the practitioner we saw on Wednesday this week to go over the results of the test and talk about options for treatment.

In the mean time, she will finish the antibiotics she is on (that she received last week in the ER) tomorrow, then go on a prophylactic (a preventitive antibiotic) for a month. We will see how it goes.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I am SOOOOOOOO sick of Brandon and his stupid alarm clock!! He has been home for two days and it has got me wishing he was gone again (or at least sleeping in a different room)! He has this (bad) habit of setting his alarm clock early and sleeping through it until I wake him enough to roll over and hit the snooze button. For example: Today his alarm clock was set for 5AM. He was still not out of bed when I left for work. He doesn't set just one alarm either. He has two alarms on his actual digital alarm clock. then there are like 3 or 4 on his phone. He doesn't always set them all, but he does set at least one on the alarm clock and one on the phone (usually 2 on the phone... I know because they use different tones). Alarm clock he has at its highest volume and the radio is selected for the alarm. Anyway... he is a VERY heavy sleeper and I am not. I have to nudge him and tell him to wake up and say his name over and over, louder than louder before he wakes enough to hit the snooze button. Sometimes he will hit the wrong snooze button (like if his phone is going off, he will hit the snooze on the alarm clock, or visa-versa), then I have to start the waking process all over again. It is SOO frusterating! Then he gets mad at me when I start raising my voice. Says "How would you like it if you woke up to me screaming at you every day?!" That is besides the point, cause I don't sleep hard enough for him to begin to raise his voice to wake me up. He could whisper my name, and I would wake up.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ugh. Tuesday.

Hello all. It is Tuesday, and I am really wishing it were Friday. I am just exhausted, for no reason whatsoever. Well, I suppose, I've been staying up later than what I am used to. I recently started watching Veronica Mars (for the second time through... we own it on DVD) and have again become hooked. It is just one of those shows you can't stop watching! You just NEED to know what happens next! If you haven't had the pleasure of watching, and you enjoy mysteries, I highly recommend it. But I do have to warn you, it ends abruptly at the end of Season 3. It was sadly canceled by the CW. The first 2 seasons were on the WB, but then the CW took over and VM only lasted one more season. Anywho you can find it on line also at .

Brandon FINALLY came home early (2:30AM) yesterday morning! He was on the road for a total of 10 days, although the 2 days before that he was not home at all (at least when Haley and I were awake). He came home from work a little early last night too, to spend some time with me and Haley. We had some pizza and watched our new favorite show "Chuck". Also another AWESOME show that is full of comedy, romance and mystery. Hopefully Chuck won't be canceled before its time.

Not too much else going on until this weekend. Saturday Haley and I will be going over to Ashley's to get my hair cut and hang out with her and Cole. Then that night we will be at the Equipment Transport company party! I have to say, I am quite excited for the pig roast, band and adult beverages! My mom was nice enough to say she'd take Haley over night so Brandon and I can enjoy ourselves without having to worry about getting home early. Also we don't have to pay a babysitter! Should be a good time :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Holy crap! It's July! I can hardly believe it. But it's just like every summer, it goes by so quickly!
Brandon's been working a lot again this summer. Don't get me wrong... it is a good thing! But it is hard also. Not only do I miss him, but Haley does. Randomly she will just say "Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?" And I have to say "No honey, he's at work." Sometimes we will go and see him after I pick her up from daycare if we haven't seen him in a few days. But when he is out of town, we can't do that. She'll understand some day.

On a different note... Picked up Haley on Friday July 2nd at the normal 5:30 time from daycare. I had gotten an email earlier in the day stating that Haley wasn't herself that day. She didn't eat much for breakfast, lunch or snack, didn't play much, just stood around or even laid on the ground. Totally unlike my happy energetic Haley. I got a call at about 4:55 saying "I know this doesn't do you any good really because it is 5 minutes until you get off of work, but Haley has a slight fever." Made me nervous, but we went to the cabin as planned with my parents and sister (Brandon was out of town for work until Saturday night, got to the cabin Sunday around noon). Fever still hadn't gone away the next day and she still wasn't eating much of anything. So, I decided to take her in to Urgent Care. She had a high fever 103 over night, and I knew something was wrong. She alllllways eats! So we went and found out she had a really BAD bladder infection. They gave us some antibiotics at the hospital (up in the sticks, thats what they do because the pharmacies aren't open on the weekends!) and sent us on our way. That didn't seem to work. Her fever spiked that night 104.0. Then again the next night 104.9. The antibiotics were definitely not working. Well we decided that on Monday, and brought her into our clinic at home on Tuesday morning when they gave her a new antibiotic I ended up staying home part of the day on Tuesday (brandon actually was home for the other part), and all day Wednesday and Thursday. My mom was nice enough to take the day off and watch her on Friday. By friday she didn't have a fever anymore and was acting pretty normal. She went back to daycare yesterday and was SOOOO EXCITED! I have an ultra sound scheduled (as requested by the doc) for Thursday evening, so they can make sure there wasn't any damage, or there isn't something wrong with her 'plumbing' .

I will try and start doing this a little more often... sorry!