Friday, March 26, 2010

TGIF People!

It's been a long week. Still sick, sorta. Work has been slooooooow... well not so much work has been slow, but the days have been dragging. At least I have next Friday off! Haley's Daycare is closed (Good Friday), so I figured I would take the day off and spend it with her :)

Tomorrow Haley is doing her very first Easter Egg Hunt! Heather invited us to their neighborhood hunt with Bryce and Blake. I even bought some eggs earlier this week and we "practiced" picking up the eggs and putting them into the basket. She does pretty good! We'll see how she does at the real thing. After the hunt, Heather, the boys, Haley and I are going to go out for lunch. Then it is home for a nap. Gramma is supposed to come by afterward also. Maybe I will be able to get some cleaning done, or go out and start working on cleaning up the yard. Both the inside and outside of the house are a mess, so both needs to be done. We'll see what the weather will turn out to be.

Still no computer at home, so I am stuck blogging here! But I did bring my flash card in to down load some pictures to the computer here...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bad Case of The Monday's

Really wishing I was at home today. Still not feeling so hot. It's really rather annoying. It's been 12 days of this on and off crap. And now my stomach is on the fritz too. Blah.

I can't quite tell if Haley is getting sick too or what. She is still being whiny and clingy. But no other real symptoms. Just like me, not feeling too miserable I guess. But she is really starting to hate getting her diaper changed. I am still using the changing table, (which is really just a changing pad on top of her dresser) and when i go to lay her down on it, she just doesn't want to lay back! Then once she does, she is either crying or trying to flip herself over... or both. When I want her legs up, she wants them down (when I am trying to wipe her butt), when I want her legs down, she wants them up (when I am trying to strap her diaper on). It is really challenging. And frustrating.

On a brighter note, I went shopping on Saturday! Bought some new clothes and got to hang out with Erin! We were going to bring Haley with, but by the time we were ready and in the truck, she started showing signs that she was tired, so I gave Gramma Judy a call and asked if it was ok for Haley to spend the afternoon there. She agreed. So that was nice. Oh and I also got Haley's Easter Dress, and shoes! Super cute, can't wait to post some pictures. If I ever get my computer back...

We didn't end up going to Scooter's like originally planned. :( But we will get there one of these days. We also need to get out to Ashley's to get her her baby gift, and so I can meet that cute little man (Cole, born March 5th). Gotta get rid of this crud first though, don't wanna get baby Cole or his momma sick!

Friday, March 19, 2010

It's Friday! It's Friday! It's Friday!

Not that I have anything planned for tonight. Just glad it's Friday. Stayed home sick yesterday and got some extra sleep. Didn't however make this sore throat crap go away.

Tomorrow, Erin and I are going to go to Scooters! Haven't been there in what seems like forever! I honestly don't remember the last time. Anyway, Erin and I always have grilled cheese with ranch and pickles (the ranch is to dip both the sandwich and pickles in btw). Don't knock it til you try it, it is DELISH! Anyway, super excited for that and some adult beverages, and adult conversation :)

Gosh, Haley cracks me up these days. The last couple of nights, she's been obsessed with putting this pair of shoes on (and taking them off and putting them on and taking them off....). Well of course she can't put them on herself so she puts them in my lap and whines at me til I put them back on her. Anyway so last night after she had her bath I was putting her footie pj's on and she had the shoes and wanted them on. Well I knew she'd freak out if I put the pj's on her feet and couldn't get the shoes on over them. So instead I put her arms in the pj's, snapped the snap on the top by her neck, and let the footies hang behind her like a cape. So then I put the shoes on her feet and she was walking around like that for like an hour. It was funny. I took some pictures that I will put up when we get our dumb computer fixed.

I haven't had a computer at home for a couple of weeks now. I uploaded some pictures to facebook one day, and all of a sudden, a virus popped up outta nowhere! So we've had it disconnected from the internet ever since then. We have to get my brother-in-law Josh to fix it. So until then, I blog while I am here at work.

As I sit here and type, Erin is getting a new tattoo. I would really like to get a new one also, but I don't know what to get, or where for that matter. So I will wait till I know what I want and be sure it is something I want to live with for the rest of my life. In the mean time, I may get the one I already have touched up. Its faded over the last 8 years (oh good lord, it's been that long since I got it?!) and I'd like it to look new again. Maybe I will even add too it. We'll see.

Ugh, I am totally having a panic attack right now... Not really sure why... But it happens like that all the time. I guess it just means I should go home and have a glass of wine right? Right.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Yay! It is sunny out today :) and supposed to be in the 60's! But right now I sit here with a fleece zippy on. That is what I hate most about spring... in the morning it is in the 30's but then even by lunch, you have to start stripping your clothes off! Key to Spring, LAYERS. And extra shoes in your car ;)

Speaking of shoes, I am going to go and get some new ones for Haley on lunch today! I love buying shoes! Even when they are not for me, it turns out. The best part about buying Haley shoes is, they are pretty inexpensive. Right now she only has one pair of tennis shoes, and they have laces. I was thinking it would be much easier to have slip-ons so i don't have to worry about getting them on and tying them every day before and after daycare. Call me lazy, but I never untie/retie my own shoes. I slip them off when I get home, and slip them on when I leave.

Less than a month now til I will be on my way to Chicago!! I am super excited about it, and I am wishing it wasn't so far away. I hope that the weather will cooperate for us so we can walk around the city.

By the way, went on lunch to get Haley some shoes from Walmart... turns out they didn't have any in her size... WTF? I just want a cheap pair for her to wear to daycare that she can get dirty at the park and stuff. Oh well, I will have to find some someplace else.

Still trying to fight off whatever this is I've been fighting off. So far it has just been at night and in the morning for a couple of hours, but today the sore throat has stuck with me. I hate this anticipation... am I getting sick or am I not!? I still have hope it is only allergies :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This weather is toying with my emotions!

Ok so maybe its not the weather, but I am feeling a little overwhelmed. Yesterday made me feel a little better though cause it was sunny... today, not so much helping. It also doesn't help that it is my "special time" of the month.

Does anyone else get overwhelmed by doing simple things like paying the bills? Ugh... gives me a panic attack. Mostly the medical bills are the problem area... having to call and deal with the people over the phone. I hate it.

Another thing I am currently (like right this moment) overwhelmed with is house work... laundry, cooking, cleaning. Wish we could afford a maid! Now that all of the snow has melted, I also have to start worrying about the yard work. With the way Brandon works, it usually means I am left to do all of it. It was a lot easier when it was just me, I could just go out and mow the lawn when it needed. Now with Haley, I can't exactly do that. So to add to my wish list, a yard maintenance person. Yeah, right! But a girl can dream, can't she?


Not feeling so hot this morning. But I am still holding out hope that I am not getting sick. Its like an on and off thing... mornings and evenings are the worst, throughout the day, I feel better.

On a brighter note, I am much less itchy! The samples the derm. doc gave me seem to be working! Awesome!!

Guess there's not too much else to talk about. Maybe its just that it's still early and I'm not feeling the greatest.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Slightly Uneventful Weekend

Friday was the only time I was away from home. Right after work, I headed over to Maplewood, to Tamara's house to freshen up a bit, then we were on our way to Champp's to meet up with the old Juarez Mission Trip peeps. Wow, talk about a blast from the past. Some people have changed a ton, some not so much. Anyway, we ate, talked, enjoyed some adult beverages, and around 9:00, Tamara and I decided to head out. I dropped T off at home and headed home myself. I was home around 10, yeah, late night for me!

Thursday night Haley and I ran over to borrow a top to wear Friday for the "reunion" with my Mission Trip friends. I left there feeling like I was getting sick. My throat hurt bad. Woke up the Friday morning, same thing. But it went away pretty quickly. After I left work, it came back, and by the time I got to Tamara's house, my ears started to hurt. It continued through the night and all weekend. Still not feeling well, but I am at work.

Anyway... Saturday Brandon headed down to Altoona, IA for work, while Haley and I laid low at home. My mom came over in the afternoon. We watched a movie while Haley was napping, then pretty much stayed on the couch the rest of the afternoon, and into the evening. Mom left after dinner, and Haley and I played until it was time to go to bed. Brandon didn't get home til about 10. Sunday, was pretty much the same. Brandon worked, Haley and I stayed home. It was beautiful outside though. Wished I would have felt better, we could have gone for a walk. but instead, we opened the windows and sat inside. Both Haley and I took a long nap in the afternoon, which left me feeling a lot better. Then as it grew dark out, the sore throat came back again.

Pretty boring weekend. Other than Friday of course, which could have been better, had I felt a little better.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Stitches Removed

So, I had my stitches removed this morning (yuck such a gross feeling!) and after all of that waiting for the call that was supposed to come in "immediately when they got the results," they just happened to have them when I got there.

Luckily, the nurse was nice enough to leave the room talk to the doc and come back saying "I talked to the doctor and she said it was ok to tell you your results for your biopsy so she didn't have to charge you for an office visit." She went on to tell me that I have Spongiotic Dermatitis, which is basically eczema.

Now you might think, "So basically dry skin?" Well its not just dry skin... it is very uncomfortable and can be painful. I've done some research this morning, and it seems it could be from a number of different things.... so I am lost as to what mine could be from. Allergies (from food or hayfever), could be chronic and hereditary, could be stress... I don't even know how to figure out what it is from.

I am supposed to make an appointment in 2 weeks to see if the lotion and cream they gave me is working. So I suppose I just apply the lotion and cream as prescribed, and find out the answer to all of my questions when I see the doc.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Still Itchin'

So, no word back from the dermatologist. Still as itchy as ever. Getting my stitches out tomorrow though, so hopefully I will get some answers about the stuff I wrote about yesterday.

Not too much going on today. Pretty boring day at work. Although it hailed this morning for a minute or two. That was interesting! It was about pea sized hail, while the kids were standing at the bus stop outside my office. It was rather comical to watch them run for cover! Mean I know. I would have let them hang out in the office till the bus came, but they didn't even try to come in. Oh well. Anyway, the hail and thunder got me quite excited that Spring is indeed on its way!

Speaking of Spring... Next month a friend of mine, asked if I would like to go along on a Girl's weekend to Chicago with her and 2 other girls. Of course my first thought was, "oh... sounds expensive," but much to my surprise when I mentioned it to Brandon, he said "Yeah, I think you should go!" Awesome! So, the plans are in the works, I put my request for the day off in, and it was approved. I've never been there before, so when I went and looked at different hotels (just to do a little research of my own, just for fun) holy smokes, there is sooo much to choose from! Glad I'm not doing the official search! Anywho, we will be driving down on a Friday morning, and heading home on Sunday. Not long, just a little get away. I haven't ever been away from Haley for more than one night before though, so that will be tough :(

I've been toying with the idea of joining a gym. Although with how much Brandon works, that would mean I would pick up Haley from daycare get her fed, then bring her with me to the gym where I would drop her of at the gym's child care. That just wouldn't be fair to her. I know she misses me already the way it is, I can barely do the dishes after dinner without her having a temper tantrum! Gone are the days that I could let her hang out in her high chair for a bit while I did the dishes. Now she wants out immediately after she is done eating. So I take her out and try to set her down to play with toys, she starts freaking out! So I end up sitting down on the floor to play with her and all she wants to do is sit on me. Whether I am sitting and she sits on my lap, or laying she has to be on top of me. So, unless Brandon promised to be home at least every other night (haha yeah right) or I suddenly was able to be a stay at home mother, I don't think this is going to happen.

On that note, I've decided to try and eat a little healthier. I still have 10-12 lbs left to lose to get back to my pre-preggo weight. And another 5-10 after that to make me REALLY happy with my body. It's hard though. I've never had to worry about that until I got pregnant and ended up at a whopping 192 lbs! Once it gets warmer out, I am going to try and walk every day on my lunch and maybe again after work pushing Haley in her stroller. I did buy the 30 Day Shred with Julian Michaels, and failed miserably at it. I bought it in November, right before Thanksgiving. I did it once, and couldn't make it through the whole 20 minute work out video. I was also extremely sore for like a week afterward! But I ended up losing like 8 lbs between Thanksgiving and the 1st of the year! Not sure how that worked out, but it happened. Well then just a week or two ago, I thought I would give it a try again... only 10 minutes into the 20 minute work out, I started to have chest pains. I am 26 years old, and no longer considered overweight... I didn't really think it had anything to do with my heart. But it was worse than I've ever felt from a panic/anxiety attack. Needless to say, I quit the work out, and haven't done it since.

Wow, ok so I just got off of the phone with someone who lives here (where I work) who says to me "Hey there is a kid out in the middle of the lake who is jumping up and down, I don't think it is safe for him to be out there" My response: "Why don't you go out there and tell him to get off of the ice??" Resident: "Well he is all the way over on the other side... I just don't think it is safe that he is out there" Me: "Ok well I will track one of the guys down to have them go over there and yell at him." As a parent, if I saw something like this I would go out there and yell at him to get off the ice, not call someone else to do it! Yes, we are the property managers, but we are not baby sitters. This person that called was definitely not a old/crippled person that couldn't leave their house. I know who he was, and he was fully capable of yelling at this kid. Instead of doing so, he calls us, in the mean time, that kid could have broken through the ice (which was what he was worried about in the first place) while he was wasting time calling us to go over there and do it. This just doesn't make sense to me!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A new blog.

I just couldn't keep up with my "Daily Haley" blog. It really didn't seem like it would be so hard, taking one picture every day, and posting it. But it was. Being a new mom (not so new anymore), working full time, having to do the house work, and everything once Haley was mobile, got increasingly harder. Finally I got so far behind on posting the photos, I gave up. Now I decided to start a new blog. I feel like I have a lot to say, about nothing lately and my lack of creativity lead to the dumb blog name. I guess this will pretty much be about whats on my mind, and what Haley is up to.

So, I will start with how much Haley is walking and talking lately. She is really starting to mimic everything we say. Which means I will need to watch my potty mouth in front of her. She's already said a few things that we though sounded like foul language. Which of course made us laugh, cause well she didn't know what she said. But back to the walking, she is so cute when she walks. She is walking so much. Its a little more like waddling. Either way it is cute. She get soo excited about it too. The first few steps she is totally concentrating on what she is doing/ where she is going, then she gets this huge smile on her face and a few steps later, either she is at her destination, or plops down on her butt.

Some of you might know that I have been dealing with some nasty skin issues, and it is driving me insane. I won't get into the gruesome details, but I've been dealing with this since before Christmas, and it has recently gotten worse... and has spread to my face. Which makes me feel extra icky. I saw a dermatologist about 2 weeks ago, he said it was just dermatitis, gave me a strong steroid ointment and said to come back in 4-6 weeks. One week later I called and said it was getting worse, and spreading to my face. The doc said he wanted me to come in for a biopsy. Which I was immediately skeptical about, because I had only seen the dr once, couldn't they try some other cream or ointment before going to the extreme of making a permanent scar on my body?! Or what I was more worried about, the cost. Anyway... I made an appointment to be seen that day (Last Thursday) for 4:20 in WBL. I figured that would give me plenty of time to see the doc, and get to daycare by 5:30. Well I got there, checked in and sat and waited. A family that got there after I did was called in before me (there is only one doc at this clinic btw) which kind of struck me as weird, ticked me off for a minute, but then I was called back (10 minutes after my appointment time). The nurse went over my symptoms, and informed me the dr was running a little behind but she should be in soon. I waited 20 minutes. by this time it was 30 minutes past my appointment, still no doc. So I walked out of my exam room, and asked the first person I saw... "Um... how much longer is it going to be?" and went on about how I needed to leave soon so I could pick up my daughter from daycare. The nurse that I spoke to earlier came and told me it was still going to be a while, but (i don't really remember what they called her, but i think it is like the dermatologists nurse practitioner) this other lady could come in and see me if I was ok with that, I said sure. So said person (don't even remember her name) came in, and I told her what was going on, and she said ok, well lets do this biopsy and see what we come up with. I told her i didn't really want to do that yet, and she said well there isn't much more we can do if we don't know what it is. So I reluctantly agreed to go along with it. They took a tiny chunk of skin after numbing me up, then stitched me up and sent me on my way. The biopsy was supposed to take 2 weeks. Well I called the office yesterday because my face is really getting bad and I was hoping that maybe they could give me another idea for the itching (they gave me some sort of oil that was supposed to help with the itching, and told me to stop the steroid the 1st dr gave me). The triage nurse that called back informed me that she had called the lab that my biopsy was sent into, and they said the results would be ready tomorrow (which is today). She said she wouldn't be in tomorrow but she would leave a note on someones desk to make sure to call me. I asked if it was ok if I called in if i hadn't heard anything by the afternoon, she said that was fine. So I called around 1:30 the person I talked to really ticked me off. Listen here lady... I ITCH REALLY BAD, WHICH IS MAKING ME VERY IRRITABLE AND I AM NOT ABLE TO SLEEP BECAUSE OF IT. So anyway, she said to me "I don't know where this person you talked to yesterday got their information, but biopsies don't come back for 12-14 days" How rude. I was expect something more like "Hmmm... let me check into that, they don't usually come back that quickly." All she did was look at my chart and see that the results were not back yet. Nice. Anyway, she assured me that THEY would call ME "as soon as the results are in." So here it is 4:40pm, still no call. Still extremely uncomfortable.

Sorry, that story doesn't take to long to explain when talking, but it sure took quite a bit to type!

Not sure what I will do tonight... I should do the dishes and some laundry, but this weather has got me feeling quite lazy and sleepy. I am fairly certain Brandon will be working late as usual, but I don't really know cause I haven't talked to him all day.