So, no word back from the dermatologist. Still as itchy as ever. Getting my stitches out tomorrow though, so hopefully I will get some answers about the stuff I wrote about yesterday.
Not too much going on today. Pretty boring day at work. Although it hailed this morning for a minute or two. That was interesting! It was about pea sized hail, while the kids were standing at the bus stop outside my office. It was rather comical to watch them run for cover! Mean I know. I would have let them hang out in the office till the bus came, but they didn't even try to come in. Oh well. Anyway, the hail and thunder got me quite excited that Spring is indeed on its way!
Speaking of Spring... Next month a friend of mine, asked if I would like to go along on a Girl's weekend to Chicago with her and 2 other girls. Of course my first thought was, "oh... sounds expensive," but much to my surprise when I mentioned it to Brandon, he said "Yeah, I think you should go!" Awesome! So, the plans are in the works, I put my request for the day off in, and it was approved. I've never been there before, so when I went and looked at different hotels (just to do a little research of my own, just for fun) holy smokes, there is sooo much to choose from! Glad I'm not doing the official search! Anywho, we will be driving down on a Friday morning, and heading home on Sunday. Not long, just a little get away. I haven't ever been away from Haley for more than one night before though, so that will be tough :(
I've been toying with the idea of joining a gym. Although with how much Brandon works, that would mean I would pick up Haley from daycare get her fed, then bring her with me to the gym where I would drop her of at the gym's child care. That just wouldn't be fair to her. I know she misses me already the way it is, I can barely do the dishes after dinner without her having a temper tantrum! Gone are the days that I could let her hang out in her high chair for a bit while I did the dishes. Now she wants out immediately after she is done eating. So I take her out and try to set her down to play with toys, she starts freaking out! So I end up sitting down on the floor to play with her and all she wants to do is sit on me. Whether I am sitting and she sits on my lap, or laying she has to be on top of me. So, unless Brandon promised to be home at least every other night (haha yeah right) or I suddenly was able to be a stay at home mother, I don't think this is going to happen.
On that note, I've decided to try and eat a little healthier. I still have 10-12 lbs left to lose to get back to my pre-preggo weight. And another 5-10 after that to make me REALLY happy with my body. It's hard though. I've never had to worry about that until I got pregnant and ended up at a whopping 192 lbs! Once it gets warmer out, I am going to try and walk every day on my lunch and maybe again after work pushing Haley in her stroller. I did buy the 30 Day Shred with Julian Michaels, and failed miserably at it. I bought it in November, right before Thanksgiving. I did it once, and couldn't make it through the whole 20 minute work out video. I was also extremely sore for like a week afterward! But I ended up losing like 8 lbs between Thanksgiving and the 1st of the year! Not sure how that worked out, but it happened. Well then just a week or two ago, I thought I would give it a try again... only 10 minutes into the 20 minute work out, I started to have chest pains. I am 26 years old, and no longer considered overweight... I didn't really think it had anything to do with my heart. But it was worse than I've ever felt from a panic/anxiety attack. Needless to say, I quit the work out, and haven't done it since.
Wow, ok so I just got off of the phone with someone who lives here (where I work) who says to me "Hey there is a kid out in the middle of the lake who is jumping up and down, I don't think it is safe for him to be out there" My response: "Why don't you go out there and tell him to get off of the ice??" Resident: "Well he is all the way over on the other side... I just don't think it is safe that he is out there" Me: "Ok well I will track one of the guys down to have them go over there and yell at him." As a parent, if I saw something like this I would go out there and yell at him to get off the ice, not call someone else to do it! Yes, we are the property managers, but we are not baby sitters. This person that called was definitely not a old/crippled person that couldn't leave their house. I know who he was, and he was fully capable of yelling at this kid. Instead of doing so, he calls us, in the mean time, that kid could have broken through the ice (which was what he was worried about in the first place) while he was wasting time calling us to go over there and do it. This just doesn't make sense to me!